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Shanghai, China

The Bund - Waterfront District

Shanghai is a city with a population of 19 million. We arrived during the May Day Holiday and the city was braced for 15 million visitors during a 5 day period.

The streets were very crowded everywhere we walked. Tourists from all over China as well as many prts of the world all added to the pedestian traffic.
horse sculpture
{hi rise skyline} Many of the city's buildings have been built in the last 15 years. Apartments, office buildings, stores and restaurants all have a modern western look.

But there are still pockets of the old buildings and even some plots of farm land surrounded by the myriad high-rise buildings. I only saw these remnants of the past while on a moving bus, and sadly could not capture these images. My guess is in just a few years these neighborhoods will cease to exist.
The downtown district known as the Bund has a very strong European influence. This neighborhood is just across the street from the waterfront and is known for it's dramatic nighttime lighting.
Bund district
Shanghai is already building towards the 2008 Summer Olympics. This sculpture in the Bund is a popular photo spot. olympic sculpture
Pepsi Blvd Another view looking inland from the waterfront opposite the Bund. This road way is often referred to as "Pepsi" boulevard for all of the illuminated signs hat line both sides of the street.
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